What are the benefits of using the online reading list system?


There are many benefits, including:

  • Save time - there is no need to type out your reading list onto Moodle or in a course handbook. If the online list is kept up to date this can just be shared with students. The handy integration with Moodle means that the reading is easily displayed along with other course content. 
  • Enhanced experience for students - the recommended readings are more accessible to students. Feedback from courses where the online reading list system is used shows that there is increased student satisfaction.
  • Easy access to key resources - students are able to access online resources quickly and easily, plus they are able to see live availability of physical resources in the library.
  • Academic creation of lists - staff can create their own lists and edit these with student notes. Once these are published the library receives a notification and will check that we have sufficient stock. Staff can also view statistics to see how many times their list has been created.
  • Accurate details of items in the high use collection - the online reading lists form the basis of our high use collection, something that has proved very popular with students. By inputting your reading list online it means that that highly used titles for your course will be located in the correct section of the library


  • Last Updated May 12, 2021
  • Views 116
  • Answered By Rachel White

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