What is Harvard referencing?
What is Harvard referencing?
Harvard is a style of referencing known as Author-Date.
Where can I get help using Harvard?
There is no standard Harvard so the style can vary. If your department uses Harvard, check your departmental handbook to see which version they recommend. Remember that consistency is very important when referencing, so make sure that your punctuation, italicisation, etc. is the same throughout.
The Library has an excellent Moodle page on finding, evaluating and referencing information, including a section on Harvard referencing, as well as many other areas to help support you through your studies.
Alternatively you can email or book a 1-2-1 appointment with your Teaching and Engagement Librarian.
How do I reference XXXX with Harvard?
A useful guide which you can find in the Library is called Cite Them Right (High Use Collection, 808.027 PEA). This contains examples of many different sources that you might need to reference.
Alternatively you can email or book a 1-2-1 appointment with your Teaching and Engagement Librarian.